NLP EFT Helena Berounska (Grygarova)
They are lots of myths about hypnosis. Everyone has seen something on TV where people under hypnosis do silly things. That’s just a stage show, and no one can be made to do something if he/she would disagree with it.
Being hypnotized during a hypnotherapy session means being in altered state of awarness and entering a very deep stage of relaxation, where your subconscious mind is open to suggestions given by the hypnotherapist. But your mind will ONLY allow suggestions which are not against your morals, will, or consciousness.
You are in control during the whole session, so you can come back from the hypnotic state whenever you wish.
Some common examples of positive suggestions would include feeling relaxed and alert when you are undertaking your driving test, or that you are free from the need to smoke cigarettes. Some examples of things that hypnotherapy can help with include stress, anxiety, low self esteem, confidence, sleeping problems, weight control, healing and recovery of some physical or psychosomatic illnesses, support of cancer treatment. Deep relaxation by itself is very beneficial for your health, because in relaxed state your body can fight illnesses and heal better.

Being in hypnosis is a pleasantly relaxing experience, especially for busy people who struggle to find time for themselves. It is done sitting in a comfortable position. It is common after being in hypnosis to feel refreshed, rested and relaxed.